woensdag 18 december 2024

Kerstdienst ism InnBetween

 woensdag 18 december 2024
 St Jan Maastricht

Kerstdienst in samenwerking met InnBetween (kijk voor Nederlandstalige informatie onder de engelse tekst):

Dear Sint Jan’s community, we are very happy to invite you to this cooperation Christmas service and hope that you will join on the 18th of December at 7pm. Doors are open from 6.30 and everyone is welcome.

 “We warmly invite you all to the Maastricht University Christmas Service, at the St Janskerk. As light slowly returns, we rejoice in the celebration of the birth of Jesus. We will alternate readings from the Bible and other texts with singing Carols. Take a break from the revision and stress and join us for a time of love and hope. Tea and coffee and vlaai afterwards of course!

Whether you are a practicing Christian or have never attended a service before, we welcome you to this celebration of life.”

This is a cooperation event between The InnBeetween – the University Chaplaincy, Thuis Maastricht and the PKN Maas-Heuvelland community. The main language of the service will be English, readings and intersessions will be also in Dutch.

De PGMH organiseert een gezamenlijke kerstdienst met The InnBetween (studentenpastoraat) en Thuis Maastricht op 18 december, 19:00uur in de St Jan kerk open om 18.30uur. Iedereen is van harte uitgenodigd! De dienst zal voornamelijk engelstalig zijn, met enkele lezingen en voorbeden in het Nederlands.  
